Welcome to  Valiu Industrial Co.,Ltd.          Http://www.valiuco.com     Accesories for knitting machines & Flat knitting machines : cams,  yarn carriers, cylinders, ceramic guides, parts for  Shima Seiki machines and stoll machines, gears, cables with plugs,  transformers ......

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   More accessory for textile machine

                                                                                             1) Ceramic Guide  

                                                                                             2) Cover tape: Steel Strips

                                                                                             3) Metal Guide    

                                                                                              4) Brushes

                                                                                              5) Fabric Length Counter

                                                                                               6) Oil Pot 


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 地址︰台灣新北市三重區永福街163號3樓  Add: 3F, No.:163, Yong Fu Street, San Chung Dist, New Taipei City 24156, Taiwan. 

Tel:+886-2-22808268, Fax:+886-2-22806835       valiuco@hotmail.com , valiuco@yahoo.com, info@valiuco.comvaliuco